Monday, April 14, 2008

Truck Driving School, Pre Trip Inspection

Duration: 10:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-29 20:02:33

November 29, 2007 I'm aware that I misnamed the air compressor when I first pointed to it (Hey! I was new at this! LOL!). I corrected that mistake a bit later in the video. My thanks go to all the instructors at Daly's Truck Driving School in Buford, Georgia. If you're considering Daly's Truck Driving School, tell them I sent you.


builtagression  2008-04-11 03:34:37

Awesome! thanks.
mybigbearron  2008-03-26 21:06:26

Our instructors covered those matters emphatically. Not only that, but my current trainer has done the same.
JhonsterKid  2008-03-26 18:56:02

gayyy b000ring
canadiantimberwolf1  2008-03-24 16:06:42

Nice job,well done.But do they tell you about POD-Leaks, or Blow-back on the dash buttons and what happens there. Do they tell you about what happens if youbreak the Service Lne will you know right away or what if you tear the Emergency Line off or if it falls off when your at highway speed and a full load...
DwyerSTC  2008-03-17 23:16:20

cool thanks

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