Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Duration: 10:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-01 22:46:09
User: ladydulac81

Canibalism a myth in africa? I THINK NOT, a militia in africa has killed 1000s and forced children to eat flesh of slain relatives to alienate them from society,to gain them as future soldiers, (more)


rss22  2008-03-07 22:20:09

I'm sorry that most of you have so much hate toward black Americans, and/or people of color in general. Not all black people are out to terrorize the white race. Some of use are just wanting to make a better life for ourselves just as you are. Will there ever come a time when we will be able to coexist together without hate, violence, and malice towards one another? When we will understand that there are ignorant people in every race, and one person doesn't set the standard for the whole race.
JimmyGolden253  2008-03-05 17:11:43

Native Americans did the same thing to their enemies... & white/German/Nazi experiments were some of the siccest ever committed upon humanity- look at the Tuskegee experiment where they injected Black Men w/syphillis... & everyone knows that evil white scientists/doctors created AIDS- The whole world is Mad! There's good & bad in all people
Nordicrebirth  2008-03-03 03:20:32

As long as they eat themselves, I could give a fuck
ACTORnSCREENWRITER  2008-03-02 16:33:47

yeah I agree. Theres alot of groups from the FORMER SOVIET STATES
dmcauliffe09  2008-03-01 13:43:37

No. It's generalization of statistics used to serve the purpose of demeaning blacks. It's misinterpretation of information for the purpose of making one's own racial biases seem true. It's manipulation of "facts" that are not nearly as true as you claim. The "fact" is that blacks worldwide are among the poorest people, so of course things like disease and crime are rampant in some areas where blacks are. But this is not just us: Russia has one of the world's highest AIDS rates, as well as crime.

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